Monday, February 1, 2010

Infertility and seat 22B

We are home from our trip to the Caribbean. My Mom is amazing and pulled off another successful cruise full of great music and great people. I got on the boat early again this year with Patty to help get things ready for the big event. I really enjoyed my time with Patty. She's been second mom type in my life for almost 15 plus years, but as I get older I see her more as my friend, which makes me smile.

On our flight home the row next to us had a dad and maybe a 5 month old baby girl. The baby was a twin, Mom was a couple seats ahead with the sister. Through out the flight they would switch babies, one was far more easy going and you could see why they traded. One twin would sleep and cuddle and the other one would scream, throw things and just cause utter panic in each parent. I watched this scene through out the 5 hour flight, my eyes at times would tear up. The longing in my heart was overwhelming. It felt like that was suppose to be me, I was watching someone else playing me. To watch my made for TV movie without me as the lead actress was just to much to bear. Disembarked the plane, watched the couple with their matching strollers take off to baggage claim. They had their babies in their arms when they arrived in Seattle, I had to get in the towncar and wait to see mine. My four legged, long nosed, hairy baby was waiting for me at my house. And his licks and cries let me know he missed his Mommy.

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