Monday, November 2, 2009

It's really happening...

Got an email today from the founder of My IVF Alternantive giving me all the documents, legal papers and medical questionnaires I will need to start the process. Pressing the print button and watching the papers come out of the printer was just so overwhelming. Seeing the IVF Alternative logo and my name across the top made me so excited and happy. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!! There are no more tears of sorrow or pity, the air has lifted and sunshine is back where there was none. I don't even notice the nasty weather Seattle is giving these days, to me everything is wonderful.. I am on a plan, a plan that has taken hold of my spirit and has me walking on air!

I had emailed the founder, Mag, about a time frame. We are still unsure if my husband can take off two weeks of work so I needed to know when he was needed in the process and when he would be able to leave to go back to work. Of course, my Mom being the most amazing Mom EVER, will be there for the week he won't be. Here's a bit of her email:

Dear Melissa,

please know that every patient is an individual and no two protocols are alike but in general, you can expect this:

next day first appointment at the clinic
two days later - follow up appointment at the clinic
two days later - egg retrieval
two to three days later embryo transfer
you leave for US within 48 hours.

You husband's presence is needed just for the egg retrieval. But grand-moms-to be are welcome as well! ;o)

I also got a wonderful 'thinking of you' card from my Aunt Lisa today. Her card reminded me of all cards and emails I have received during this process. Over the past year and half there has been so many horrible moments and so many days I just wanted to bury my head in the pillow and not get up. But there was always someone there to pick me back up. Sitting in the bath tub, wine bottle in one hand, cell phone in the other and my girlfriends in Boise listening to my tears. Unable to be here in person but ALWAYS there in spirit. My little sister in all her innocence trying to make me laugh. My parents, oh words can't express how much their support means to me. Their love can jump phone lines and miles and wrap me in love in my darkest hours. Friends and family who send me positive thoughts. And my husband, never letting me become bitter, staying focused and loving me during the crazy.

It's really happening!!

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